6 Reasons to Wake Up Early
(Elite Daily) The common saying, “the early bird catches the worm” originated from the collection of English parables written by Jon Ray. People who desire success obtain it. We all know getting up earlier could benefit us in some form or fashion, but many of us fail to actually pursue doing it. Getting up in the morning and implementing an early-bird routine can be tough, and for that reason, few ever obtain the benefits. Here are six reasons you should get started today:
1. Time to plan your goals
Many people don’t achieve their goals due to a lack of focus. But, by planning your goals first thing in the morning, they’ll stay fresh in your mind. In addition to stating your goals, you can determine time frames for accomplishment. Finally, in the morning you have the chance to revisit and monitor the progression of past objectives.
2. Time schedule your day
Early birds give themselves the opportunity to map out their days. With a precise plan, you become a lot more efficient and productive with your time. Now that you know your goals, you can plan to achieve them during the day in addition to other priorities.
3. Time to work out
The number one excuse for not working out is the lack of time. After having a long day at work, going to the gym can easily become a small priority. Waking up before 6 am allows you to hit the gym before starting your workday. Not to mention, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which trigger positive feelings throughout your body. Working out gives you the energy needed to own the day.
4. Time to eat
You’ve heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you wake up early, you will never miss it. A study by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health showed that breakfast improves your overall health tremendously. Just like a car needs gas to run, your body needs food to properly function, especially in the morning.
5. Successful people you know already do it.
In an article with New York Magazine, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers how he starts his day at 5:30 am. Dorsey uses the morning for activities like meditation and six-mile jogs. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is notorious for sending out company emails at 4:30 in the morning. Last but not least, Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is an enormous advocate of waking up early. During an interview with Business Insider, Branson mentioned that he wakes up around 5:45 am to work out and have an early breakfast before getting down to business.
6. Stay two steps ahead of everyone
Starting your day early builds your confidence and creativity. Every morning after waking up, I get an adrenaline rush. It comes from the simple fact that I’m up turning my dreams into reality while my competition sleeps. I always complete my most pressing tasks before 8 am. By doing so, I’m able to fly through my day with high energy and the feeling of accomplishment. Completing my most essential work first also reduces my levels of stress and anxiety.
The bottom line: If you can discipline yourself to wake up 2.5 hours earlier every day, your productivity will increase dramatically in the long run. That’s 17.5 more hours you have in a week, 70 more hours in a month and 840 plus extra hours in a year. The choice is yours.