Interesting Facts About Cutlery. Really!
It’s not just your imagination. Eating food with a heavy silver fork or a plastic utensil does make what you’re eating taste better — or worse. The shape, color, size and weight of the cutlery you use has an effect on the food’s flavor, according to researchers from the University of Oxford in England. Some tasty facts:
Cutlery shape
Cheese tastes saltier when eaten from a knife rather than a fork, spoon or toothpick.
Cutlery color
A white plastic spoon, rather than a black spoon, not only makes white yogurt taste better and sweeter, but also makes the texture seem denser. However, black plastic spoons make pink yogurt taste better.
Cutlery size
Food tastes sweeter on small spoons that are traditionally used to serve desserts.
Cutlery weight
When the weight of the cutlery conforms to expectations, it impacts how the food tastes. Specifically, heavier cutlery, such as silver, is associated with better food.